Thursday, April 30, 2009

Oh the Guilt!

Natalie has perfected the art of a guilt trip. Today her entire school is going to the University to see School House Rocks. She's going to have such a good time, but I can't make the field trip. And so the guilt began to get piled on. There were lots of "I'm so disappointed," more "It just makes me sad," and even more "I just want to stay home with you." When those didn't work she let loose with the big ones. "What if I get lost? I need an adult with me. This will be the 3rd field trip you've missed!" But here's the thing... the building they are going to is where she has her music class and has been going there since she was 4 months old. She knows the building and knows some faculty and staff there too. And I do believe her teacher will be there who is, guess what... an adult! But as far as missing 3 trips... She's apparently been keeping track since Kindergarten! 2 of those trips were to Bama Fanfare and parents weren't allowed to go b/c of lack of seating at the theater. So those shouldn't count right? While I love going on class trips and doing school activities with her, I can honestly say that I am quite happy to have to miss a trip with over 400 students crammed onto buses and the chaos and noise that entails.

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