Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sibling Rivalry?...

Well, I guess Taylor couldn't sit back be outdone by her sisters in the Thompson Family Competion called "Ways to Scare the Mommy- Medical Event." (I hate to tell the girls, but the record holder for that position will probably always be Hope. Main points recieved for her heart defect, kidney defect and just this past fall: stomach being pumped, popcorn kernel up the nose and swallowing a metal bead). But I digress... I suppose being early and simply having a bad case of jaundice wasn't enough to satify Taylor, so she had to pull a fast one on us. It all started with a cold Natalie got at school and we tried hard not to share germs until Hope accidentally drank from the wrong cup at breakfast one morning and then Hope got the cold which led to me and then Taylor. It really has been a nasty one. Anyway, Taylor's quickly turned into a scary sounding nose and chest deal, so we went to see Dr. C. Taylor has bronchilitis. Very bad thing! We were afraid we would spend some time in the hospital, but good girl she is has decided to work with the treatment at home and is improving!!! (But it's still scary sounding b/c it's breaking up in her chest.) However, we have to torment the poor baby by suctioning her nose and doing a saline nose spray at every diaper change and then every 4 hours she has to have a breathing treatment with a nebulizer. Needless to say, the minute she gets on the diaper table she starts getting mad, I would too!

1 comment:

  1. You would not know what to do with a calm, boring day, would you?
